Design No 496
This classic design is made by a Dutch couple and under construction in their garden. It will take some years before she is ready.

Design No 508 Rowing boat
This 4 person rowing boat of 9.3 m has just been delivered to the Swiss Ocean Dancers. They will compete in the next Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. The boat must be self righting and the first tests in light condition with and without crew were successful. The aluminium hull can be delivered with carbon cabins as an extra to get higher stability and lower weight. This first boat is made this way. Although the boat looks high on the water we expect her close to the estimated waterline in racing conditions with all equipment and safety items onboard.
The boat wil be transported to Switzerland for training.
Swiss Ocean dancers website
video kenterproef
Design No 509 Rowing boat
Design 509 is the one or two person version for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. This rowing boat has aluminium cabins and will go to the paint shop soon. Then she will be launched for trials.
Main switch and support for battery Support for watermaker
swiss-1s Website
Design No 503
Design 503 is a sail yacht of 13 m and is now under construction at Koopmans Kasko’s in Sneek. She is designed for a Belgium owner who wants to make short hand ocean voyages with her. When the hull is ready she will be transported to Scheepswerven Jan Vandamme in Zeebrugge, Belgium where she will be finished.
Design No 512
Design 512 is another rowing boat for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. Mark Slats who smashed the solo record two years ago wants to do the same in the double handed class. He will help as much as possible with the construction at Paul Dijkstra Composites in Uitwellingerga. Paul also made the carbon cabins for the 4 person boat.